Sergio Joaquin Gonzalez Herrera, Jose Mejia, Liliana Avelar Sosa, Oliverio Cruz Mejia


Given the changing circumstances faced by the industry today product demand is constantly influenced by several factors such as global economic conditions affected by wars, pandemics and recessions. For companies to cope with these challenges effectively, it is crucial to have a dependable demand prediction system that can be swiftly and efficiently communicated to their supply chain. However, this can be challenging for large consortiums with distributed supply chains spanning different countries. In this study a neural network architecture based on Transformers is proposed for demand prediction. This system could be integrated into a cloud service accessible to various locations within a company's supply chain, thus reducing information delays. By evaluating our approach with real product demand data and comparing it with other architectures the experiments prove that our model outperforms other methods.
Keywords: Demand prediction, Industry 4.0, Transformers.

En la actualidad, la industria enfrenta desafíos debido a factores cambiantes como guerras, pandemias y recesiones que afectan la demanda de productos. Para enfrentar estos retos es crucial contar con un sistema confiable de predicción de demanda que se comunique eficientemente con la cadena de suministro. Sin embargo, esto puede ser un reto para grandes consorcios con cadenas de suministro distribuidas en diferentes países. En este estudio se propone una arquitectura de red neuronal basada en transformadores para predecir la demanda. Este sistema se integraría en un servicio en la nube accesible desde distintas ubicaciones dentro de la cadena de suministro, reduciendo los retrasos en la información. Los experimentos con datos reales demuestran que nuestro modelo supera a otras arquitecturas de predicción de demanda.
Palabras Clave: Industria 4.0, Predicción de demanda, Transformadores.

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